echopype Tour
1. echopype Tour#
A quick tour of core echopype capabilities.
1.1. Introduction#
1.1.1. Goals#
Illustrate a common workflow for echosounder data conversion, calibration and use. This workflow leverages the standardization applied by echopype and the power, ease of use and familiarity of libraries in the scientific Python ecosystem.
Extract and visualize data with relative ease.
1.1.2. Description#
This notebook uses EK60 echosounder data collected during the 2017 Joint U.S.-Canada Integrated Ecosystem and Pacific Hake Acoustic Trawl Survey (‘Pacific Hake Survey’) to illustrate a common workflow for data conversion, calibration and analysis using echopype
and core scientific Python software packages, particularly xarray
, GeoPandas
and pandas
Two days of cloud-hosted .raw
data files are accessed by echopype directly from an Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 “bucket” maintained by the NOAA NCEI Water-Column Sonar Data Archive. With echopype
, each file is converted to a standardized representation based on the SONAR-netCDF4 v1.0 convention and saved to the Zarr cloud-optimized file format.
Data stored in the Zarr (or netCDF) file format using the SONAR-netCDF4 convention can be conveniently and intuitively manipulated with xarray
in combination with related scientific Python packages. Mean Volume Backscattering Strength (MVBS) is computed with echopype
from the combined, converted raw data files, after calibration. The GPS location track and MVBS echograms are visualized.
1.1.3. Running the notebook#
This notebook can be run with a conda environment created using the conda environment file The notebook creates the ./exports
directory, if not already present. Zarr files will be exported there.
import glob
from pathlib import Path
import fsspec
import geopandas as gpd
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import as cimgt
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
import hvplot.xarray
import echopype as ep
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
1.2. Compile list of raw files to read from the NCEI WCSD S3 bucket#
We’ll compile a list of several EK60 .raw
files from the 2017 Pacific Hake survey, available via open, anonymous access from an AWS S3 bucket managed by the NCEI WCSD.
After using fsspec
to establish an S3 “file system” access point, extract a list of .raw
files in the target directory.
fs = fsspec.filesystem('s3', anon=True)
bucket = "ncei-wcsd-archive"
rawdirpath = "data/raw/Bell_M._Shimada/SH1707/EK60"
s3rawfiles = fs.glob(f"{bucket}/{rawdirpath}/*.raw")
print(f"There are {len(s3rawfiles)} raw files in the directory")
There are 4343 raw files in the directory
# print out the last two S3 raw file paths in the list
Each of these .raw
files is typically about 25 MB. To select a reasonably small but meaningful target for this demo, let’s select all files from 2017-07-28 collected over a two hour period, 18:00 to 19:59 UTC. This is done through string matching on the time stamps found in the file names.
s3rawfiles = [
s3path for s3path in s3rawfiles
if any([f"D2017{dtstr}" in s3path for dtstr in ['0728-T18', '0728-T19']])
print(f"There are {len(s3rawfiles)} target raw files available")
There are 5 target raw files available
1.3. Read target raw files directly from AWS S3 bucket and convert to netcdf#
Create the directory where the exported files will be saved, if this directory doesn’t already exist.
converted_dpath = Path('exports')
is an echopype object for conveniently handling raw converted data from either raw instrument files or previously converted and standardized raw netCDF4 and Zarr files. It is essentially a container for multiple xarray.Dataset
objects, each corresponds to one of the netCDF4 groups specified in the SONAR-netCDF4 convention – the convention followed by echopype. The EchoData
object can be used to conveniently accesse and explore the echosounder raw data and for calibration and other processing.
For each raw file:
Access file directly from S3 via
to create a convertedEchoData
object in memoryAdd global and platform attributes to
objectExport to a local Zarr file
for s3rawfpath in s3rawfiles:
raw_fpath = Path(s3rawfpath)
# Access file directly from S3 to create a converted EchoData object in memory
ed = ep.open_raw(
storage_options={'anon': True}
# Manually populate additional metadata about the dataset and the platform
# -- SONAR-netCDF4 Top-level Group attributes
ed['Top-level'].attrs['title'] = "2017 Pacific Hake Acoustic Trawl Survey"
ed['Top-level'].attrs['summary'] = (
f"EK60 raw file from the {ed['Top-level'].attrs['title']}, "
"converted to a SONAR-netCDF4 file using echopype."
# -- SONAR-netCDF4 Platform Group attributes
ed['Platform'].attrs['platform_type'] = "Research vessel"
ed['Platform'].attrs['platform_name'] = "Bell M. Shimada" # A NOAA ship
ed['Platform'].attrs['platform_code_ICES'] = "315"
# Save to converted Zarr format
# Use the same base file name as the raw file but with a ".zarr" extension
ed.to_zarr(save_path=converted_dpath, overwrite=True)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to process raw file {}: {e}")
Let’s examine the last EchoData object created above, ed
. This summary shows a collapsed view of the netCDF4 groups that make up the EchoData object, where each group corresponds to an xarray
Dataset. The backscatter data is in the Sonar/Beam_group1
group, accessible as ed['Sonar/Beam_group1']
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: () Data variables: *empty* Attributes: conventions: CF-1.7, SONAR-netCDF4-1.0, ACDD-1.3 keywords: EK60 sonar_convention_authority: ICES sonar_convention_name: SONAR-netCDF4 sonar_convention_version: 1.0 summary: EK60 raw file from the 2017 Pacific Hake Aco... title: 2017 Pacific Hake Acoustic Trawl Survey date_created: 2017-07-28T19:52:19Z survey_name:
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (channel: 3, time1: 523) Coordinates: * channel (channel) <U37 'GPT 18 kHz 009072058c8d 1-1 ES18... * time1 (time1) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T19:52:19.120000... Data variables: absorption_indicative (channel, time1) float64 0.002822 ... 0.03259 sound_speed_indicative (channel, time1) float64 1.481e+03 ... 1.481e+03 frequency_nominal (channel) float64 1.8e+04 3.8e+04 1.2e+05
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (time1: 2769, channel: 3, time2: 523, time3: 523) Coordinates: * time1 (time1) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T19:52:22.000999936... * channel (channel) <U37 'GPT 18 kHz 009072058c8d 1-1 ES18-11... * time2 (time2) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T19:52:19.120000 ..... * time3 (time3) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T19:52:19.120000 ..... Data variables: (12/20) latitude (time1) float64 43.69 43.69 43.69 ... 43.78 43.78 43.78 longitude (time1) float64 -125.2 -125.2 -125.2 ... -125.2 -125.2 sentence_type (time1) <U3 'GGA' 'GLL' 'GGA' ... 'GGA' 'GLL' 'GGA' pitch (channel, time2) float64 -0.4641 -0.2911 ... -0.3782 roll (channel, time2) float64 0.58 -0.4938 ... -0.03356 vertical_offset (channel, time2) float64 -0.1959 -0.00136 ... -0.1182 ... ... MRU_rotation_y (channel) float64 nan nan nan MRU_rotation_z (channel) float64 nan nan nan position_offset_x (channel) float64 nan nan nan position_offset_y (channel) float64 nan nan nan position_offset_z (channel) float64 nan nan nan frequency_nominal (channel) float64 1.8e+04 3.8e+04 1.2e+05 Attributes: platform_type: Research vessel platform_name: Bell M. Shimada platform_code_ICES: 315
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (time1: 29194) Coordinates: * time1 (time1) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T19:52:19.120000 ... 2017... Data variables: NMEA_datagram (time1) <U73 '$SDVLW,5063.975,N,5063.975,N' ... '$INHDT,7.... Attributes: description: All NMEA sensor datagrams
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (filenames: 1) Coordinates: * filenames (filenames) int64 0 Data variables: source_filenames (filenames) <U92 's3://ncei-wcsd-archive/data/raw/Bell_... Attributes: conversion_software_name: echopype conversion_software_version: 0.6.3 conversion_time: 2022-10-19T01:43:43Z duplicate_ping_times: 0
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (beam_group: 1) Coordinates: * beam_group (beam_group) <U11 'Beam_group1' Data variables: beam_group_descr (beam_group) <U131 'contains backscatter power (uncalib... Attributes: sonar_manufacturer: Simrad sonar_model: EK60 sonar_serial_number: sonar_software_name: ER60 sonar_software_version: 2.4.3 sonar_type: echosounder
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (channel: 3, ping_time: 523, beam: 1, range_sample: 3957) Coordinates: * channel (channel) <U37 'GPT 18 kHz 009072058c8d 1... * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T19:5... * range_sample (range_sample) int64 0 1 2 ... 3954 3955 3956 * beam (beam) <U1 '1' Data variables: (12/25) frequency_nominal (channel) float64 1.8e+04 3.8e+04 1.2e+05 beam_type (channel, ping_time) int64 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 beamwidth_twoway_alongship (channel, ping_time, beam) float64 10.9 ..... beamwidth_twoway_athwartship (channel, ping_time, beam) float64 10.82 .... beam_direction_x (channel, ping_time, beam) float64 0.0 ...... beam_direction_y (channel, ping_time, beam) float64 0.0 ...... ... ... count (channel, ping_time) float64 3.957e+03 ...... offset (channel, ping_time) float64 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 transmit_mode (channel, ping_time) float64 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 backscatter_r (channel, ping_time, range_sample, beam) float32 ... angle_athwartship (channel, ping_time, range_sample, beam) float64 ... angle_alongship (channel, ping_time, range_sample, beam) float64 ... Attributes: beam_mode: vertical conversion_equation_t: type_3
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (channel: 3, pulse_length_bin: 5) Coordinates: * channel (channel) <U37 'GPT 18 kHz 009072058c8d 1-1 ES18-11' ... * pulse_length_bin (pulse_length_bin) int64 0 1 2 3 4 Data variables: frequency_nominal (channel) float64 1.8e+04 3.8e+04 1.2e+05 sa_correction (channel, pulse_length_bin) float64 0.0 -0.7 ... 0.0 -0.3 gain_correction (channel, pulse_length_bin) float64 20.3 22.95 ... 26.55 pulse_length (channel, pulse_length_bin) float64 0.000512 ... 0.001024
print(f"Number of ping times in this EchoData object: {len(ed['Sonar/Beam_group1'].ping_time)}")
Number of ping times in this EchoData object: 523
Assemble a list of EchoData
objects from the converted Zarr files and combine them into a single EchoData
object using the combine_echodata
function. By default open_converted
lazy loads individual Zarr files and only metadata are read into memory, until more operations are executed, which in this case is the combine_echodata
function (note: combine_echodata
first writes out a temporary Zarr file locally).
ed_list = []
for converted_file in sorted(glob.glob(str(converted_dpath / "*.zarr"))):
combined_ed = ep.combine_echodata(ed_list, overwrite=True)
print(f"Number of ping times in the combined EchoData object: {len(combined_ed['Sonar/Beam_group1'].ping_time)}")
Number of ping times in the combined EchoData object: 2379
The Provenance
group now of the combined EchoData
object contains some helpful information compiled from the source files.
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (echodata_filename: 5, environment_attr_key: 0, filenames: 5, platform_attr_key: 3, platform_nmea_attr_key: 1, provenance_attr_key: 4, sonar_attr_key: 6, sonar_beam_group1_attr_key: 2, top_level_attr_key: 9, vendor_specific_attr_key: 0) Coordinates: * echodata_filename (echodata_filename) <U33 'Summer2017-D2017072... * environment_attr_key (environment_attr_key) float64 * filenames (filenames) int64 0 1 2 3 4 * platform_attr_key (platform_attr_key) <U18 'platform_code_ICES'... * platform_nmea_attr_key (platform_nmea_attr_key) <U11 'description' * provenance_attr_key (provenance_attr_key) <U27 'conversion_softwa... * sonar_attr_key (sonar_attr_key) <U22 'sonar_manufacturer' ..... * sonar_beam_group1_attr_key (sonar_beam_group1_attr_key) <U21 'beam_mode'... * top_level_attr_key (top_level_attr_key) <U26 'conventions' ... '... * vendor_specific_attr_key (vendor_specific_attr_key) float64 Data variables: environment_attrs (echodata_filename, environment_attr_key) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 0), meta=np.ndarray> platform_attrs (echodata_filename, platform_attr_key) <U15 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 3), meta=np.ndarray> platform_nmea_attrs (echodata_filename, platform_nmea_attr_key) <U25 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 1), meta=np.ndarray> provenance_attrs (echodata_filename, provenance_attr_key) <U21 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 4), meta=np.ndarray> sonar_attrs (echodata_filename, sonar_attr_key) <U11 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 6), meta=np.ndarray> sonar_beam_group1_attrs (echodata_filename, sonar_beam_group1_attr_key) <U8 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 2), meta=np.ndarray> source_filenames (filenames) <U92 dask.array<chunksize=(1,), meta=np.ndarray> top_level_attrs (echodata_filename, top_level_attr_key) <U113 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 9), meta=np.ndarray> vendor_specific_attrs (echodata_filename, vendor_specific_attr_key) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(5, 0), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: conversion_software_name: echopype conversion_software_version: 0.6.3 conversion_time: 2022-10-19T01:43:51Z duplicate_ping_times: 0
1.4. Extract and plot GPS locations from Platform group#
Extract and join the latitude
and longitude
variables from the Platform
group in the combined_ed
EchoData object. Convert to a Pandas
DataFrame first, then to a GeoPandas
GeoDataFrame for convenient viewing and manipulation.
gps_df = combined_ed['Platform'].latitude.to_dataframe().join(combined_ed['Platform'].longitude.to_dataframe())
latitude | longitude | |
time1 | ||
2017-07-28 18:16:21.475999744 | 43.657532 | -124.887015 |
2017-07-28 18:16:21.635000320 | 43.657500 | -124.887000 |
2017-07-28 18:16:22.168999936 | 43.657532 | -124.887080 |
gps_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(gps_df['longitude'], gps_df['latitude']),
Create a cartopy reference map from the point GeoDataFrame, to place the GPS track in its geographical context.
basemap = cimgt.OSM()
_, ax = plt.subplots(
figsize=(7, 7), subplot_kw={"projection":}
bnd = gps_gdf.geometry.bounds
ax.set_extent([bnd.minx.min() - 1, bnd.maxx.max() + 3,
bnd.miny.min() - 1, bnd.maxy.max() + 2])
ax.add_image(basemap, 7)
ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, xformatter=LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, yformatter=LATITUDE_FORMATTER)
gps_gdf.plot(ax=ax, markersize=0.1, color='red',
1.5. Compute mean volume backscattering strength (\(\text{MVBS}\)) and plot interactive echograms using hvplot
supports basic processing funcionalities including calibration (from raw instrument data records to volume backscattering strength, \(S_V\)), denoising, and computing mean volume backscattering strength, \(\overline{S_V}\) or \(\text{MVBS}\). The EchoData
object can be passed into various calibration and preprocessing functions without having to write out any intermediate files.
We’ll calibrate the combined backscatter data to obtain \(S_V\). For EK60 data, by default the function uses environmental (sound speed and absorption) and calibration parameters stored in the data file. Users can optionally specify other parameter choices. \(S_V\) is then binned along range (depth) and ping time to generate \(\text{MVBS}\).
Sv_ds = ep.calibrate.compute_Sv(combined_ed).compute()
MVBS_ds = ep.preprocess.compute_MVBS(
range_meter_bin=5, # in meters
ping_time_bin='20s' # in seconds
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (channel: 3, ping_time: 2379, range_sample: 3957, filenames: 1, time3: 2379) Coordinates: * channel (channel) <U37 'GPT 18 kHz 009072058c8d 1-1 ES18-... * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T18:16:19.313... * range_sample (range_sample) int64 0 1 2 3 ... 3953 3954 3955 3956 * filenames (filenames) int64 0 * time3 (time3) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T18:16:19.3139998... Data variables: Sv (channel, ping_time, range_sample) float64 0.5356 ... echo_range (channel, ping_time, range_sample) float64 0.0 ...... frequency_nominal (channel) float64 1.8e+04 3.8e+04 1.2e+05 sound_speed (channel, ping_time) float64 1.481e+03 ... 1.481e+03 sound_absorption (channel, ping_time) float64 0.002822 ... 0.03259 sa_correction (ping_time, channel) float64 -0.7 -0.52 ... -0.3 gain_correction (ping_time, channel) float64 22.95 26.07 ... 26.55 equivalent_beam_angle (channel, ping_time) float64 -17.37 -17.37 ... -20.47 source_filenames (filenames) <U127 '/usr/mayorgadat/workmain/acoust... water_level (channel, time3) float64 9.15 9.15 9.15 ... 9.15 9.15 Attributes: processing_software_name: echopype processing_software_version: 0.6.3 processing_time: 2022-10-19T01:43:56Z processing_function: calibrate.compute_Sv
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (ping_time: 391, channel: 3, echo_range: 150) Coordinates: * ping_time (ping_time) datetime64[ns] 2017-07-28T18:16:00 ... 201... * channel (channel) <U37 'GPT 18 kHz 009072058c8d 1-1 ES18-11' ... * echo_range (echo_range) float64 0.0 5.0 10.0 ... 735.0 740.0 745.0 Data variables: Sv (channel, ping_time, echo_range) float64 1.503 ... -51.14 frequency_nominal (channel) float64 1.8e+04 3.8e+04 1.2e+05 Attributes: processing_software_name: echopype processing_software_version: 0.6.3 processing_time: 2022-10-19T01:44:08Z processing_function: preprocess.compute_MVBS
Replace the channel
dimension and coordinate with the frequency_nominal
variable containing actual frequency values. Note that this step is possible only because there are no duplicated frequencies present.
MVBS_ds = ep.consolidate.swap_dims_channel_frequency(MVBS_ds)
List the three frequencies used by the echosounder
array([ 18000., 38000., 120000.])
Generate an interactive plot of the three \(\text{MVBS}\) echograms, one for each frequency. The frequency can be changed via the slider widget.
x='ping_time', y='echo_range',
color='Sv', rasterize=True,
cmap='jet', clim=(-80, -50),
xlabel='Time (UTC)',
ylabel='Depth (m)'
).options(width=500, invert_yaxis=True)
1.6. Package versions#
import datetime, s3fs
print(f"echopype: {ep.__version__}, xarray: {xr.__version__}, geopandas: {gpd.__version__}, "
f"fsspec: {fsspec.__version__}, s3fs: {s3fs.__version__}")
print(f"\n{datetime.datetime.utcnow()} +00:00")
echopype: 0.6.3, xarray: 2022.3.0, geopandas: 0.11.1, fsspec: 2022.8.2, s3fs: 2022.8.2
2022-10-19 01:44:10.332040 +00:00